09 August 2010
New York!
I have been invited to New York in November to talk to the Lewis Carroll Society of North America at their annual convention. My last (and only) trip to NYC was a distinctly curious but very interesting experience. I had to write an article for a national newspaper travel section about travelling on the Concorde. They didn't much care where I went on Concorde, which was doing a lot of special trips all over the world in those days. Since its only regular route was to New York, that's where I went. A friend with a tiny apartment on W. 33rd St. kindly put me up and he was highly tickled at driving his little Toyota into the Concorde parking at JFK to pick me up, and mingling with all the limos.
I don't think I went to sleep most of the time I was in the city, and have memories of living it up with my friend's mates who were all dressed up as reindeers ... and seeing everyone skating at the Rockefeller Center (since it was nearly Christmas) and being rather freaked at some giant toys at FAO Schwarz. . It was fun.
I'm not going with my journalist hat on this time, but I'm looking forward to giving the talk, and meeting some North American Carrollians who have till now only been names on a page. And it will be nice to make the acquaintance of New York again.