|It never occurred to me to have an Alice wedding, but perhaps if they'd had Pinterest in those days I might have beentempted. I've been having fun browsing this collection of Alice in Wonderland wedding pictures, here. and it set me off searching for sites with Alice themed wedding ideas.

Here are a few of the things I found. I wonder what role this trippy Caterpillar was playing in the "Alice in Wonderland on Acid" wedding featured on the amazing Rock n Roll Bride site.

Actually the wedding had sword swallowers, drag queens and Tea-quilas too and I really loved reading about it in detail, here.

I'm always most interested in the wedding cakes - perhaps that says something about me - and after looking through these and other sites I decided that this was my favourite cake, partly because its attractive old fashioned colouring reminded me of old book illustrations.

It's from Catherine's Cakery, a Canadian site.

One of the big difficulties about an Alice wedding, I'd have thought, is that you definitely CAN'T have the bride as the Queen of Hearts, for obvious reasons, and the nearest anyone gets to this fearsome character on the wedding sites I have seen is this pair of pretty heart shoes

I've always thought it says something about Lewis Carroll, that he transformed what ought to have been the loveliest character in the book into something frightening. You could take the view that this offers the chance to be more creative, though.

Anyway, I decided that even though I couldn't have an Alice wedding, I might one day give an Alice themed tea party, and if so I'd use Carlton Walking Ware, a range which dates from the seventies and can seem really surreal, specially if there is a lot of it on the table. This link goes to the eBay site where you can buy the stuff, and I spotted this teapot from the range recently in Norwich Castle Museum, spotlit and looking surprisingly impressive.
